Lou Engle of ‘The Call,’ a prayer movement that has gathered hundreds of thousands together all over America for conferences featuring prayer, fasting, repentance, and worship, has a new vision for revival in what he is calling ‘stadium Christianity.’ From Charisma News:
Engle is believing for what he calls “stadium Christianity,” an outbreak of revival that will bring believers to stadiums across the country to worship and experience a new power in the Holy Spirit.
His dream is to hold “The Call” in Los Angeles Memorial Stadium on April 9, 2016, on the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street Outpouring, which kicked off the Pentecostal/Charismatic renewal in the United States.
“Can you believe with us that denominations will unite, that the races could come together, that God could make us one, as the antidote to the terrific division in our day?” Lou asks.
“Could you believe with us for ‘stadium Christianity’ where signs and wonders are breaking out and mass evangelism explodes across our country?” he continued.
Response: The enemy is sowing racial discord and violence in the major cities all across America. The newscasters and press are exacerbating the problem by giving equal time and credence to every voice and picture of discontent.
The American church holds the real answer to this mess. What if black and white and Latino Christians all got together in unity all across America in stadiums starting with LA.? Remember, Azusa Street was an interracial revival and provided the foundation for the Pentecostal movement which includes some of the largest black denominations and churches.
The picture of white and black Christians along with other races praying together for racial unity and revival on the 10 o’clock TV News along with signs and wonders, healings, and miracles could go along way towards healing American cities and bringing on a new awakening.