So many go to Vegas to see cards, dice, and slot dials moving. But God and His Holy Spirit also move in places that folks never expect.
There’s a move of God happening at Central Christian Church in Las Vegas. It is a large ‘mega’ church, but 2,500 folk have come to Christ in the last few months and they recently had a baptism where they expected 500 but 1,200 got dunked instead, Praise God!
Here’s a video of the baptism celebration:
Here’s a response from the senior pastor Jud Wilhite:
“Nothing in the past 15 years of ministry prepared me for what I witnessed, I still don’t have words to adequately describe it. All I can say is, ‘Only God.’”
…”I haven’t been able to fully process it,I doubt I ever will. What I do know is that this was not about great programming, but about our great God who chose to move in people’s lives in a tremendous way, in one of the world’s least likely cities. … We are boasting about the Lord today and so thankful that we could witnesses His move.”