-A Las Vegas Move of God

So many go to Vegas to see cards, dice, and slot dials moving. But God and His Holy Spirit also move in places that folks never expect.

There’s a move of God happening at Central Christian Church in Las Vegas. It is a large ‘mega’ church, but 2,500 folk have come to Christ in the last few months and they recently had a baptism where they expected 500 but 1,200 got dunked instead, Praise God!

Here’s a video of the baptism celebration:

Here’s a response from the senior pastor Jud Wilhite:

“Nothing in the past 15 years of ministry prepared me for what I witnessed, I still don’t have words to adequately describe it. All I can say is, ‘Only God.’”

…”I haven’t been able to fully process it,I doubt I ever will. What I do know is that this was not about great programming, but about our great God who chose to move in people’s lives in a tremendous way, in one of the world’s least likely cities. … We are boasting about the Lord today and so thankful that we could witnesses His move.”

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