-China: The Biggest Revival in History?

Here’s quote from a recent article in Charisma magazine (Link NLA):

“Every day, 30,000 people believe in Jesus—even communist party members. It’s the greatest revival in church history.”


When the Communists took over China in 1949 there were only about 900,000 or so Christians in the country according to the best estimates. Now there are more than 150 million and no one really can keep tabs on the actually number since there are actually thousands of Chinese coming to Christ every day. Some are calling it the greatest revival in History.

It is transforming the country and has real implications for the future. Consider that at the current growth rate of the church, China could actually become a majority Christian nation within a generation or so.

Nevertheless, most of the Christian ‘house’ churches do not have official recognition and their existence is rather precarious even though most are meeting openly. Also, there are still jurisdictions in that rather vast country where Christians are still being persecuted and must meet in secret. However, increasingly the government is leaving them alone in most areas.  Note also that nearly all of the major Christian leaders have spent at least some time in jail and prison for the faith.

Here’s one report from the article:

“I’ve never seen this in America.  I saw hungry people, people getting healed, and heard of stories of revival. It’s like the book of Acts. Living here we have a completely different perspective [than Westerners have.”

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