Rom 15:5-7
5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, 6 that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. -ESV
Last weekend was spent at a men’s retreat up at Big Bear, CA. I always look forward to the time spent together with other men from my home church- VCC Laguna Niguel as a high point of every year and was not disappointed.
The best part is the encouragement that I always receive and the clarity of vision for ministry that I usually come away with.
Pastor Dave gave the keynote talk and the scripture above was one of the references. Interestingly at least twice when he was pointing out the importance of supporting one another with endurance and encouragement he mistakenly (?) combined the two words together and said- ‘enduragement’. It became a running joke for the weekend. However, I found the new word to be especially helpful in remembering and applying the message. Now I am not all that sure it was really so much of a mistake.
The best part of the weekend was when we got into small groups and prayed over each other’s families, jobs, and ministries and the Holy Spirit fell on everyone there. There is nothing like having other brothers pray with you over the most important and intimate things of your life. Then feeling and receiving not only support from brothers in the faith but also encouragement to endure and live out your faith in such a way that it actually makes the world around you a better place to live.
So I submit this to you: I pray that all of you will receive the same kind of ‘enduragement’ that I received last weekend from my brothers in Christ. If so, then Revival could become a reality in your everyday experience of living.
Come Holy Spirit and bring new vision and enduragement to all who read this and let them be touched with fresh fire that ignites their lives and touches everything and everyone they come in contact with- families, neighbors, workers, store clerks. Let the light of the Holy Spirit in them leap out and touch everyone. Let it be a surprise and let it be revival- not in tents or churches but everywhere.