Here’s a report of a renewal going on right now in the United Methodist Church through Aldersgate Renewal Ministries. The report comes from David F. Watson:
I know many people who are praying for renewal in the UMC and beyond, and we should continue to do this. But what we need also to understand is that renewal is happening now. You just have to know where to look for it. And in the UMC it’s happening through Aldersgate Renewal Ministries. Thanks be to God.
Response: Read David’s entire report of a recent conference sponsored by Aldersgate Renewal Ministries. It is really encouraging. We really do need to pray for a continuing renewal in the UMC. Wouldn’t it be great to see these mainliners on fire again and add spiritual gifting and power to churches all across the heartland that have been declining for years.
These folks already know how to reach out with social programs. Can you imagine what would happen if life changing healing and miracles were added on to what they are doing now? This is what our cities need in America- to be on fire with the Holy Spirit instead of racial strife. Praise God and bring on the renewal! Time for you intercessors to get busy.