-My Prayer: Let Their Legacy be Peace, Love, and Reconciliation


Psalm 11

In the Lord I take refuge; …if the foundations are destroyed,
what can the righteous do?”

The Lord is in his holy temple…his eyes see, his eyelids test the children of man.
The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence.
…For the Lord is righteous;
he loves righteous deeds; the upright shall behold his face. (ESV)

Our Father,

In the news today, more Christians were killed in the Middle East, a whole village in Africa. The evil words of a young racist who killed nine praying folks in a church continues to haunt America and others continue to stir the pot of hate between the races in our big cities. Many are saying that riots are on the horizon while police are being ambushed and young black people continue to die in our streets. The voices of hate are running hot today with no relief in sight.

Father God, you are still our refuge and by your Holy Spirit let the agents of your love rise up and mediate between the forces that would tear our country and cities apart. Let agents of your love and justice rise up and speak words of conciliation in our communities and drown out the shouts of division and hate. Let believers in your Son Jesus walk over the bridges together in love Like they did with Martin LK in former days.

Let a legacy of peace and love come out of the church in Charleston, may they not have died in vain. Let Americans rise up and honor their prayers and faith. Let us be renewed and battle the hate that perpetrated this evil deed. Let it stop here, let their legacy be one of peace, love, and justice not more strife, recrimination, and division.

Let believers rise up and proclaim that you are still on the throne and your Kingdom of love and justice is coming. Let your Spirit reach down and touch the hearts of America this Summer and bring love and reconciliation all across our cities. Let your love, peace, and justice reign as never before.   

In Jesus name, Amen.

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