-Revival and The Jews


Here’s an article By Sid Roth that suggests that the greatest revival of all time awaits for the gentiles to finally take the gospel back to the Jews:

”Will Revival Come to the Jews”? (LINK NLA)

Sid says that Oral Roberts recently had a visitation from the Lord, who told him:

“This is the hour Jewish people are being drawn to God.”

Also according to Roth:

“Here’s how it works. God is removing the spiritual scales from the eyes of Gentile Christians (see Rom. 11:25). Their spiritual maturity (fullness) will result in a great Jewish harvest. The salvation of the Jews will be the catalyst for the greatest Gentile revival in history.”

Response: I think Sid may really have something here. I have noticed in the last few years that miraculously more Jewish folks are coming to Christ than in any other generation since the first century.          

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