-Revival What Ifs: What if John Wesley was Preaching Today?


John Wesley (1703-1791) is said to have preached over 40,000 sermons and traveled more than 250,000 miles (400,000 km). He is most famous for his open-air revival services held in fields and parks throughout Great Britain.

Following an experience at Aldersgate, John believed that God had called him to bring revival to the nation. Thousands attended his services and tens of thousands were saved.

His brother Charles Wesley, supplied the music for the services. He wrote hundreds of new hymns that became popular during the revival and still grace many Hymnals today.

Many ministers in the Church of England opposed his ministry and denounced him as “promulgator of strange doctrines”, “fomenter of religious disturbances”; as “a blind fanatic”, and “leading people astray and claiming miraculous gifts”.

Sometimes officials tried to stop his meetings and there were actually riots on a number of occasions.

He had a major falling out with fellow revival evangelist George Whitefield over Calvinism, John became a strong advocate of Arminianism.

What if John Wesley was preaching today? …

1. Some would point out that the meetings weren’t sponsored or recognized by any authorized church.

2. Many of the parks he would try to preach in are now dominated by Muslim Imams and teachers, actual riots would follow for sure. After that, he would be excluded from certain Muslim dominated communities.

3. The Atheist organizations would be up in arms that he was using public land to spread his hate speech on. The officials need to do something about this religious fanatic.

4. Some would complain that the music by Charles Wesley was too popular and reminded them of songs usually sung in the pubs. (actually did happen)

5. The chief headhunter of Bible Answers Radio inc., would point out that Wesley’s Aldersgate experience–where he says: “I felt my heart strangely warmed”, was similar to Mormons who claim to have felt ‘a burning in their bosom’.

6. Several very fine reform blogs would point out that John Wesley was an arminian heretic. Others would say–”Well, maybe not a heretic, but just plain wrong on many major theological issues.” bottom line–his teaching is not to be trusted or supported.

7. 100+ blogs would report that John Wesley was unfit for the ministry; that he had an affair with a married woman or at the very least made improper advances, when he was on a mission and ministering in America, and then had to escape back to England before he was disciplined or defrocked (Actually true, though Wesley says that he really wasn’t a believer at the time).

8. The news media who cover the meetings would point out that Wesley is completely intolerant when he says that ‘everyone should repent’—including the homosexuals, I guess. Then he says that everyone should believe in Jesus like he does—even Muslims and news reporters presumably. Such bold intolerance should not be tolerated.

9. The Methodist Church would probably kick him out for being far too conservative and intolerant of others who disagreed with him, including many of the Bishops and Methodist seminary professors.

10. RelTV would cover the meetings and broadcast them 24/7, and Wesley would become a regular celebrity in the American colonies (USA and Canada).

11. His face would be on the cover of every one of the Grocery checkout Mags along with Paris, Jole, and Brad. There would be interviews with the married lady in question—the first one on 59 Minutes with Barbara Wawa.

12. Wesley would also have thousands of supporters who would point out that tens of thousands of people have come to Christ through his ministry…that he had an incredible God-given anointing for evangelism…that when he preached, the Holy Spirit would fall on the place and move the hearts of everyone there in a special way. Sometimes, even men who came to cause trouble and start a riot would end up being converted to Jesus instead. A Sovereign work of God indeed!

….If John Wesley was preaching today!

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