-Stillborn Baby Raised from the Dead

Here is the testimony of some teens from North Carolina who went on a ministry trip to Guatemala. In one village they visited in the home of a young woman who had given birth to a still born baby the day before. They proceeded to pray for the dead infant:


“We prayed for thirty to forty minutes.

At the end of that time, Julia screamed out to God, telling Him that she believed with all of her heart that this baby could be raised from the dead. After Julia screamed out, everyone was silent. We were quietly interceding and praying.

Within a few minutes, the baby started moving. Then the baby coughed and began crying. The mother came rushing into the room. She was screaming, what is going on? No one could answer her. We were just staring at the baby, who had come back to life. The mother asked us again, what is going on? She began crying as she saw that her baby was alive.

She ran out of the house and banged on every door in the village, telling all of the people that God is real because her baby was alive. Within about thirty minutes, the baby’s skin tone and movements had become completely normal.”

What an incredible experience! These young Christians will never be the same and obviously the Young woman, her baby, and that village also. Praise God!

I found the link to this on iamhealed.net blog. Kathi Sharpe mentions in the post that the teens had watched some of the Lakeland meetings on GodTV before they left on the mission and that’s where they got the idea to pray for the dead baby.     

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