-Sedalia MO: Ready for Revival


REVIVAL SEDALIA! City-wide Revival. Starting Wednesday, July 12, 2023 – July 16, 2023, every night at 7:00 p.m.

@Northwest corner of 65 Hwy and Eagle View Drive, Sedalia, MO

The pastors and leaders of more than seven churches and five ministries are sponsoring a tent revival in Sedalia ,Missouri. The meetings and preparation leading up to this event have been abundantly blessed by the Holy Spirit. The Words received from the Lord about this series: “Let me do it” and “It will be done with little effort”

Those words have been true in all the details in the preparation; as one group and business after another volunteered their products and services when they heard about the revival. It has been amazing—God is doing this and we are expecting a major move of God in Sedalia this week.

We will be posting about the services. Come Holy Spirit.


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