-So Many American Mega Churches Have Adopted the ‘Business Model’?

The are so many mega churches in America that remind me of several of the corporations that I have worked for over the years. The Pastor is the CEO and uses the corporate jet and lives in the executive neighborhood with the proverbial house on the hill designed for the obligatory parties and entertainment that goes along with position and power. I know this sounds harsh but it is all too prevalent in some Christian circles.

Here is a fine article by J. Lee Grady (‘Fire In My Bones’-Charisma Mag. @ 08-17-07) that points out the struggles between this model and the call for relational ministry. Grady observes:

“Perhaps we have allowed the sophisticated culture of the business world to invade Gods house. After all, many of our churches have evolved into mega-corporations with our own CEOs, controllers, administrators, tax codes, dress codes, office hours and private jets and even bodyguards! In such a stuffy atmosphere, genuine love can turn lukewarm.”

Comments: Come Holy Spirit and shake all of the American churches and bring your true revival, and bring your direction and order to your church in America. In Jesus name, Amen.

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