We have been posting about revival for some time on this blog, I thought you might be interested in reading a Baptist vision of revival.I found this article on the Baptist Press. Here, Southern Baptist Convention President Frank Page calls for continued prayers for Revival and then gives a glimpse of what he believes revival would look like. Page sees at least three key elements of revival “when the Holy Spirit Comes”:
— A love for God’s Word.
— A focus on evangelism.
— A unified focus.
Actually Rev. Page’s comments are quite good and I do agree that those three elements will be part of any revival. However, I believe that a coming revival will bring us closer to God in a more personal way. Also, I look forward to much more “when the Holy Spirit comes” in power.
Rather than write more about my own expectations, I would like to hear from some of you. What do you look forward too and what is your vision of revival?