-Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival is On the Move in 2012


Right now the The Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival is meeting in the Orlando Florida area at Calvary Assembly of God in Winter Park. It is going so well that additional dates have been added on to the schedule.

British evangelist Nathan Morris and John Kilpatrick (pastor of the 1990s Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Fla.) are leading the meetings and have been associated with these on-going revival meetings since its beginnings in July 2010.

<Here’s a link to an article about what is happening in Orlando>

In 2012 the Bay revival is going on the road and m ay be coming to a location near you. Here’s a link to their current schedule. Meetings have already been set this year for Florida, Arizona, Texas, New Jersey, Alabama, Missouri, Michigan, Georgia, and Louisiana with probably more to come.

We covered the original meetings with several posts in 2010. Mostly about the miraculous healing of Delia Knox.

Here’s a history of the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival according to their website:

Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama hosted “Open the Heavens Conference 2010.” On the last night, July 23rd, British Evangelist, Nathan Morris, was ministering as God’s Presence was ushered in. Notable healings took place and children began to be touched by the power of God. Pastor John Kilpatrick, former pastor and overseer of the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, FL, stated it felt like Father’s Day 1995 when that historic revival began.

A spontaneous decision was made to extend the meetings at the Daphne Civic Center to see what God would do. Nathan and Shake the Nations team cancelled their flights to Hawaii scheduled for that weekend. Since then, attendance has grown as people have traveled from across America and other countries. To accommodate the crowds and meet regularly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, the revival meetings were moved to the Mobile Convention Center in Mobile, AL.

This move of God has been called the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival. Historically, Mobile Bay was named on early Spanish maps Bahía del Espíritu Santo, (Bay of The Holy Spirit). In 2008 a memorial historical sign commemorating the name Bay of the Holy Spirit was approved by the Alabama Historical Association and a Commendation was signed by Governor Bob Riley.

Since that miraculous night of July 23rd, hundreds have given their lives to Christ and been delivered by the power of God. Extraordinary miracles and healings are continuing each night. We are seeing the lame walk, the blind see, deaf ears open and diverse terminal illnesses healed.

We will be watching for any updates concerning these on-going revival meetings that have now gone on the road across America in 2012.

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