-Burkina Faso: Deaf Hear and Blind See


          (Image via Wikipedia)

A short report by from the Christ for All Nations’ Gospel Campaign in the Central African nation of Burkina Faso with Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda:

“The Holy Spirit was poured out on the multitude in a mass baptism of fire! Dramatic signs and wonders accompanied the preaching of gospel.”

“An old mama who was totally blind for two years received her sight. A woman with a lump in each of her breasts, said that during the prayer both lumps vanished. A totally deaf woman was also completely healed along with another blind girl.”

Saturday morning marked the grand finale of the Fire Conference. Peter van den Berg preached with Kolenda following. Before he could take the microphone, Kolenda says the Holy Spirit was already falling.

“We just took our hands off the ‘reigns’ and let the Holy Spirit have His way.  It was glorious!”

Response: Just a reminder that revival is going on all over the world. Also, genuine signs and wonders and healing attend those genuine moves of God and thousands are coming to Christ. 

One wonders how America would respond to a genuine revival? I am increasingly believing that this country will never be the same unless a new awakening breaks out across America.  

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