-Brazil: 3 Million Evangelicals March For Jesus


Last week over 3 million Evangelical Christians marched in Sao Paulo, Brazil proclaiming their nation for Jesus. From Fox News:

Millions marched in the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil last week as part of one of the largest Christian gatherings in the world.

The March for Jesus in Brazil organizers report there were three million attendees with more than 10 hours of praise and worship, led by 28 Brazillian gospel bands and singers, and dozens of evangelical pastors and leaders, Evangelical Focus reported.

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Response: Revival and an awakening has been going on in Brazil for some time now. Close to 30% of brazil’s population are now evangelical Christians and they have become a real force in the country.  Note that Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, showed up and participated in the event. 

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