-Love These and Pray for Them


The Holy Spirit found me in a Presbyterian church in New York on Mother’s Day. We were visiting our daughter and her family so we were worshipping at their home church in Yorktown, New York.

My mind wandered during the service, thinking about my next preaching assignment. The incomprehensible love of God came to mind along with the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 5:44clip_image002:

“…love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…”

Suddenly I had a vision of the radical Muslims beheading 21 Christians in 2015 on the seashore in Libya. Then the Lord said:

     “Love These. Pray for them.”

I replied: I love the persecuted Christians and pray for them every day.

     “No, Love these and pray for them.”

Then I knew he was talking about the terrorists-my response: That is hard Lord and I can’t do it without your help.

Then the vision faded away- that was the lesson; we really can’t love or pray for our enemies without His help.  

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