-Jesus Appears in Dream to ISIS Soldier and Tells Him: ‘You Are Killing My People’

There have been many reports of Muslims coming to the Christian faith in the last few years through dreams and visions. The video above has a few of those testimonies. However the most dramatic that I have ever read about is one I found today in the Christian Post.

An ISIS soldier who actually ‘enjoyed’ killing Christians was visited in a dream by Jesus who told him: “You are killing my people.” Now he is being discipled as a new follower of Christ. Here’s the dramatic story from the Christian Post:

“One of our YWAM workers in the Middle East was contacted by a friend earlier this year and they met up and he was introduced to an ISIS fighter who had killed many Christians already.  …(He) went on to share that this Islamic State jihadi confessed not only to killing Christians but “that he had actually enjoyed doing so.”

“He told this YWAM leader that he had begun having dreams of this man in white who came to him and said, ‘ You are killing my people.’ And he started to feel really sick and uneasy about what he was doing,”

Fadely continued. “The fighter said just before he killed one Christian, the man said, ‘I know you will kill me, but I give to you my Bible.’ The Christian was killed and this ISIS fighter actually took the Bible and began to read it. In another dream, Jesus asked him to follow him and he was now asking to become a follower of Christ and to be discipled.”

“So who knows. Perhaps this man will be like Saul in the Bible … “God can turn it around.”

(Read the whole article)

Response: ISIS has killed thousands of Christians and destroyed hundreds of churches. They seem to be unstoppable lately. This conversion account gives me hope and demonstrates that God is still in charge regardless of what we see in the news. 

What I take away from this is a lesson that we should have learned a long time ago. We really should be praying for our enemies just like Jesus taught.             

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