-Move of God in Guinea Bissau


An unlikely move of God is taking place in Guinea Bissau of northwest Africa. Nearly 70% of the population is Muslim and the small Christian community (11.7%) is being intimidated by Islamic push in the country to convert everyone to Islam. Nevertheless a recent  World Harvest crusade, led by Evangelist Jacob Ebersole resulted in bringing nearly 20,000 to Christ. From the Charisma News article:

The first night of the crusade was a massive success.

“Thousands came far and wide to hear the gospel,” Ebersole says. “Some even traveled in canoes and boats on rough waters from islands off the coast to be a part of this. I’ve never seen anything like it before. We’ve had the privilege of being on the front row witnessing a move of God that seemed impossible at every turn. … God is writing a story and it’s not stopping.”

Night after night, tens of thousands cried out to Jesus in repentance and faith at this crusade. There were over 18,477 documented decisions for Christ. There were thousands more that occurred in the day-to-day evangelization by local Christians.

Amazingly, the President of the country showed up for the first night and actually facilitated in getting the equipment needed for the meetings. Plus the move continues. Read the whole Charisma article.

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