-Nashville Worship Event: ‘There Was a Mighty Move of God’

Michael W. Smith led a large worship event at Nashville TN in August. The reports from that concert claim that ‘there was a mighty move of God’ that is still affecting the lives of many who were there that night. From the Christian Post:

Legendary Christian artist Michael W. Smith …said he felt “called” to usher in a great awakening throughout America, …

     “When I think back on the night, one of the first things that comes to my memory is the diversity in the audience. All colors, all ethnicities, all ages — young, old. It was probably the most racially and ethnically diverse crowds I’ve ever played for,” …”It was beautiful and I remember thinking: ‘This is what Heaven will look like.’” …

     “Without question, there was a mighty move of God in the arena that night. And now, weeks later, I’m still hearing reports of lives changed, commitments deepened, and people empowered in a new way. Not just here [in Nashville] but from people in other cities and states that were here that night,” He told CP. “I believe there will be an impact in days, weeks and even years to come; not because of me, but because [of the Bible’s] promise.” …

     “This night is going to trigger something that will spread like wildfire across this country and around the world,” Smith said after the event. “I really believe that with every fiber of my being.”

<Read the whole article>

Response: I believe that events like this will begin to happen all across America and on into Canada. It will begin with major worship gatherings and spread from there. There have been many prophecies about stadiums and arenas being filled with people praising God and looking for revival and healing over our divided land.

When God moves, like it did at this concert, it isn’t just emotions that are affected for one night but lives begin to change and with it churches and whole neighborhoods and cities where the attendants worship, work, and live.

Lord, let your Spirit fall once more across America and bring a new Awakening from sea to shining sea.    

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