-Witches Publicly Cursing Brett Kavanaugh


This sounds like a Halloween story but it really isn’t.

An event to curse Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on October 20 was sold out. From Charisma News:

Justice Brett Kavanaugh officially joined the Supreme Court this week amid high political tensions. A throng of real-life witches are fighting back by hosting a spell-casting ritual against Kavanaugh in New York. …

More than 10,000 people have “liked” the “Ritual to Hex Brett Kavanaugh” page, while some 900 others say they plan on attending. …

<Read the whole article>

Response: A good wake up call to remember to pray for our government officials, especially Justice Kavanaugh at this time. Also remember to pray for his family which was sorely affected by the controversy surrounding his confirmation.

This sounds like some kind of Halloween publicity stunt and in some ways it is but these folks are serious occult followers and some of the money raised by the event is going to go to Planned Parenthood.

This does indicate how much our culture has changed in the last decade or so.  A few years ago folks would have been privately doing this and the numbers would have been small and they would have not admitted to anything like this in public. Now the occult is a growing religious phenomena in America and far more open.

A good reminder that we really do battle against demonic principalities and powers that seem to be gaining authority in this generation like never before. It is time for Christians to be on our knees praying for revival and a new awakening ‘while it is yet day’ in America.

Here’s a good article on this same issue by Charisma’s Stephen Strang:  “Witches Hex Trump, Kavanaugh but Can’t Defeat Holy Spirit’s Power

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