-The Christmas Season: Responding to The Holy Spirit

Sunday was the beginning of Advent on the church calendar, but the stresses of the holiday season started couple of weeks ago at Thanksgiving. Have you noticed how the Devil tries to ruin every good thing that Christians have.

I will not get into all the history of how the 25th was chosen for celebrating the birth of our Savior, regardless of the historical background, it has been a season to remember that God sent his Son to the earth to save us.

We can choose to respond to the Holy Spirit and make this season a memorable one and a blessed one for our family and friends, or we can participate in the ‘spirit of the age’ and become part of the tensions and commercialism around us that seem to bring arguments, over spending, and division.

I always get in trouble with my wife and adult children for giving too much stuff to the grandkids and spoiling them. Probably will again since that brings me a lot of joy and my grandchildren like it too.

Nevertheless, this season for me and my family, we will serve the Lord, and I pray that the Holy Spirit will rescue us from the secular ‘spirit of Santa Claus’ which dominates this season.

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