-While We Are At It We Should Be Praying For This Guy Also!


(Image by Violentz via Flickr)

Wednesday morning at the Marketplace Prayer Group at VCC Laguna Niguel, Pastor Mike Hudgins reminded us that we should be praying for President Obama and his administration.

Lately I must confess that I have forgotten all about praying for the President. In fact most of what I have been saying about him lately is not all that pleasant or edifying.

I did sign up and commit to pray for the new President for the first six months and followed through but after that..well let’s just say that I can’t remember the last time I really prayed for him and his family.

Pastor Mike reminded us that the President and his key advisers were making decisions for better or worse that affect all of us — the entire country and even the world. We are in the midst of a major recession and the world is getting more dangerous as we speak. We really should be praying for our leaders to receive wisdom from the Lord and pray that they pay attention to it. Not only that, but they make the right decisions in spite of themselves.

Our best President ever would be having difficulties right now in our present state and …well anyway it is time to pray.

Then Pastor Mike reminded us that we should be praying for our state leaders. I almost want to draw the line with the ‘Govenator’ but the State of California is nearly bankrupt and many key businesses are leaving the state because of the over-the-top corporate taxes and regulations.

Therefore out of self interest it is important to pray for my least favorite governor and state legislators. Maybe they can finally come up with a new budget before the summer is over.      

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