-2011: Year of the Joseph Butterflies?

Some prophetic folks around here keep seeing visions of butterflies in connection with 2011. Lately we have had lots of rain in the natural which is usually a portent for an abundance of butterflies in the spring.

The message seems to be that many ministries and called ones have been hidden up and have been going through a time of preparation or metamorphosis but will soon be released to fly and do what they have been called to do.

Some are like Joseph who did his best as a slave in prison but was released in a day to do and be what he was really called to do. Others have been doing ministries they have not really been called to do –e.g: prophetical ministers and evangelists serving as pastors. These are about ready to be coughed up on the shore like Jonah and finally become who they are really called to be and do what they are really supposed to do.

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