-Looking for Revival: "Where is the God of Evan Roberts?"

In his current (10/15/08) Fire in My Bones article, J. Lee Grady asks:

Where is the God of Elijah? Where is the God of Evan Roberts? Where is the true power of God that can sweep over a city and bring backslidden Christians to repentance and hardened sinners to experience the greatest miracle of all—the miracle of new birth?

Under the title- “Lord Give Us Hot Coals From Your Altar!”–Grady explores the Welch revival of 1904. A great post for everyone interested in revival to read.

He recounts how Evan Roberts often presented the same four-point plan for living the Christian life:

(1) confess all known sin

(2) deal with and get rid of anything “doubtful” in your life

(3) be ready to obey the Holy Spirit instantly; and

(4) confess Christ publicly

These points are still filled with anointing today just as they were in 1904.

Come Lord Jesus, send revival across this land from sea to shining sea, to the North, to the South, to the East, and to the West;  let your Spirit fill the churches and change our neighborhoods and our communities. In Jesus Name, Amen.           

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