-Revival: Change Now or Change Later?

We have already seen several leaders fall. I believe that now is the time to get our churches in order, particularly leaders. Some seem to think that is the enemy who is exposing leaders and embarrassing the church. However, I actually believe it is a work of God to purify his people and to prepare them for revival.

Will the church need to change before revival comes or will revival come first and bring change? It could be a case of choosing to change now or having to change later and maybe suffering loss.

I received the following from Charisma Online: Streams of Revival, May 8, 2007-Archives. It is a prophetic message from Matt Sorger. It is right on target:

The sifting is not over. There is more sifting that is coming into the church. “Tell My people not to be shaken when they see the shaking happening. There is a sifting hand of God going through the corporate body of Christ right now.” Either you can let God sift you in private or you can let Him sift you in public. The choice is yours.

The season of mixture is over. There are things that God and His mercy have tolerated for a season. But that tolerance has reached its end. We are coming into a season during which we can’t play games anymore. We can’t play with sin–and still expect to see the world won for Jesus Christ. We can’t tolerate inward things in our hearts.

There is no more time for the spirit of tolerance of the spirit of this age. We are coming into a season during which God is going to pour out His power. Either you will be ready for it or you won’t be. That season is just upon us.


Over the last few years I have read a number of articles and research papers which claim that Christians live and look no different than their non-believing neighbors. I don’t believe that that is entirely true; however, the ‘spirit of the age’ does seem to have entered into the church on a number of fronts. Will the church need to change before revival comes or will revival come first and bring change? Either way, change is on the horizon and leaders need to be in the forefront.

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