-Sedalia Revival: Saturday Night & Sunday Celebration


Sedalia Revival: Saturday Night over 1,000 showed up for the final service. So did the Holy Spirit.

Then Sunday there was a picnic and pool party plus a baptism service. It was an incredible atmosphere where hundreds of folks from a bunch of different churches ate and rejoiced together in recreation.

As those of us in ministry and leadership rejoiced; we informally met together and we talked about this weeks revival. The responses were all the same: the Holy Spirit showed up and a new foundation for unity among Christians in Sedalia had been laid. Also, ‘more’ was a word I heard over and over again.

But everyone I talked to agreed that this was just the beginning and we all can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do next in our community. There seemed to be a consensus that the planning and prayer meetings for the pastors and leaders needed to continue and let the Lord continue to move in our midst.

Many were saying that they were hoping to see a revival among the youth and in the schools soon and maybe some kind of ministry during the Missouri State Fair which is held here in Sedalia in August. Come Holy Spirit and continue to hover over our city and area.

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