-“The Central Event: Experiencing The Power Of The Father’s Love”

by Ed Piorek, (Cape Town, South Africa: Vineyard Int. Pub., 2005, 166 pgs.)

Ed Piorek is a long time pastor (now Pastor Emeritus of Vineyard CC Laguna Niguel Calif.), who traveled extensively with John Wimber during the 1980’s and early 90’s. He now heads the Father Loves You Ministries (an international conference ministry) and travels occasionally with John Arnott (Toronto Airport CF). Pastor Ed identifies the baptism of Jesus as ‘the central event’ in the ministry of our Lord. It actually came at the beginning of his ministry, but it was a major point of empowerment and a confirmation of the Father’s love. Two other events in the ministry of Jesus were similar; ‘The Transfiguration’, and the Mount of Olives. Each event reminded Jesus of the Father’s love and strengthened him for the events to come.

Ed recalls different events in his own life and ministry that were similar, in calling him, centering him, and commissioning him. Then there was a bout with cancer that found him daily leaning on and continuing in, the Father’s love for survival and for the energy to carry on. He also introduces us to other ministers who have experienced similar events. Some from the past, like D.L. Moody. Others from the present like; Rolland and Heidi Baker (Mozambique), and John and Carol Arnott; who continue to minister depending upon the Father’s love to give them the strength and empowerment that they need to carry on.

Particularly helpful, is a teaching on the ‘prodigal Son’ and the Father. Ed also points out the example of Jesus, who on many occasions, went out of his way to minister to just one person at a time, even in the midst of the crowd. He demonstrates how the love and the compassion of the Father, gives us the reserves and empowerment to seek out and minister to the ‘one’ lost sheep. There is also a chapter on ‘contemplative prayer’ which is by itself worth the price of the book. In contemplative prayer, one does not seek stuff, but seeks only to be close to the Father.

The following is a statement about the book, from John Arnott:

The Central Event is not only a ‘must read’ for any of us wanting to go deeper in the things of God, it is one to be studied and meditated on regularly as you would with a devotional. Ed Piorek is one of the foremost teachers on the subject of experiencing the love of God. The chapter on contemplative prayer addresses the most urgent need of the Western church. Ed’s insights have changed my life. This book will change yours.

The book may be purchased from: Vineyard Int. Pub., or directly from the Father Loves You Ministries.

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