There was very little press coverage for the ‘Centennial’ here in So. Cailfornia. The LA Times had one article prior to the conference, and one published on the opening day (4/25). TV coverage was limited to only a short opening day mention. I could not find any reference to the event in the OC Register (A more ‘conservative’ area newspaper). If 6 or so, gay activists happen to picket a church, all the press is there-print, radio, and TV cameras. However, 47,000+ Christians can peacefully fill the Convention Center or Colisium, and it is not news worthy. I kept looking for info. to pass on about the conference–I finally received the following email recapping the event:
Azusa Street Centennial, April 25-29, 2006 -Los Angeles CA.
- Over 45,000 attendees
- 113 nations
- Over 160 workshops and general sessions
- Over 1300 volunteers
- 12,000 Los Angeles families impacted with food and the gospel
- Over a thousand people saved
- Hundreds received the Holy Spirit
- Numerous miracles and healings
- Dynamic worship, timely preaching, wonderful fellowship and supernatural unity!
Praise the Lord for His wonderful blessings during the recent Azusa Street Centennial celebration. The spiritual experience of a lifetime was just that for people from around the world. Not only did we celebrate the Azusa Street revival, we experienced a fresh anointing for our generation.
We are continuing to receive testimonies in our offices of changed lives and miraculous occurrences following the Centennial. Backsliders have returned to God. Young people have made fresh commitments. The sick have been healed and people have even been raised from the point of death.
Thank you so much for your participation at the Centennial. I pray that you were blessed and revived. I also look forward to hearing from you as we commit our lives to unity and revival in this new century of Pentecost. May the fire we experienced in Los Angeles blaze ever brighter around the world in the days ahead. This is our time!
Billy Wilson
Centennial Executive Officer
Executive Director
Center for Spiritual Renewal