-The Incredible Underground Revival Among Muslims in the Middle East


Since 2001 I have been looking for major revival among the Muslims in the Middle East and I haven’t been disappointed. A few days after 9/11 that year I had vision where the Lord Jesus spoke to me directly that the ‘Prince of Islam’ had exceeded his bounds and that a new crusade was coming, not of swords and spears, but a revival that would sweep across Islamic nations and see 100 million Muslims coming to Christ as a ‘first fruits’. It seemed impossible at the time but I declared it anyway and referred to it in two articles on this site in 2007 after I started seeing confirming evidence that large numbers of Muslims were actually coming to Christ as never before:

-Revival Among the Muslims -Part I: 6 Million a Year Coming to Christ

-Revival Among the Muslims -Part II: 100 Million Coming to Christ?

Since that time I have put up dozens of articles on this site following the underground revival among the Muslims. Now here’s the latest evidence of an unprecedented move of God among the Muslims in a recent article from Charisma News:

In the darkest corners of the Middle East there’s a revival beginning that’s unprecedented in the history of world missions.  …

Reliable reports suggest more Muslims have become followers of Jesus over the last two decades than in Islam’s combined 1,500-year history. Based on the accounts of several missiologists, it has been surmised that “more Muslims have committed to follow Christ in the last 10 years than in the last 15 centuries of Islam.”[1] In spite of great difficulty and turmoil, Christianity is unquestionably expanding throughout Islamic world. God is up to something amazing in a region that many have thought was unreachable.

<Read the whole article

Response: The article incredibly goes on to catalog an ongoing move of God among Muslims in the following nations:





Saudi Arabia




Plus it includes testimonies of what is going on in a number of other Muslim nations. We have written on a number of occasions about the mission efforts of Heidi and Roland Baker in Mozambique. One report in the article has the following to say about their obvious success:

“The Bakers are now based full-time in Pemba, Mozambique, in an area where Heidi says was once called a ‘graveyard to missionaries.’ But recently the government announced publicly that it’s no longer a Muslim providence; now it’s a Christian providence.”

I implore all to read the whole Charisma article. I already knew about many of these underground revival developments but to see it all cataloged in one article increased my faith exponentially and gave me a reason to be hopeful and thankful this holiday season.              

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