-The Spirit of God Continues to Descend Upon India


Here’s one recent report of the move of God going on in India:

“The whole stadium is filled with the spirit of God—you can feel God in this place.” As the Rev. Mohan Babu welcomed the crowd to the first night of the Hyderabad Festival with Franklin Graham, the pastor’s words proved to be prophetic. The Holy Spirit stirred the hearts of 1,240 who responded to the Gospel message at the end of the evening.

India is on fire right now.

In the last couple of years our church (VCC Laguna Niguel) has sponsored at least 3 conferences in India with incredible results. During one campaign more than 50,000 attended the services with nearly 20,000 coming to Christ plus 100’s of healings.

Several of my friends were on the ministry team and came back reporting that everyone they prayed for was healed including some who were blind. I sure would like to see that happen here in America.

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