-Why Muslims Convert to Jesus?

I am way behind in my reading right now. Yesterday at lunch I read an great article in the October issue of Christianity Today: “Why Muslims Follow Jesus“. It was all about why Muslims convert to Christianity. Over 750 former Muslims filled out an extensive questionnaire on that question.

The number one response was:

-The example of Christians that they knew

Followed by a number of responses that Charismatics and Pentecostals will appreciate and understand:

-Answered Prayers


-Deliverance from the demonic

-Visions and dreams

It should be noted here that some of the greatest differences between Christianity and Islam involves the Holy Spirit and Spiritual gifts. There is no Holy Spirit or Spiritual Gifts in Islam.

The only practitioner of healing and miracles, according to the Koran, was Jesus the Prophet. Muhammad never performed any miracles or healing. This is why Muslims are open to seeking Jesus when they need healing and deliverance.

Finally, it was the Gospel message itself, the assurance of forgiveness and Salvation, and the proclamation of the ‘Love of God’ through Jesus that was of primary importance to the converts. There is no certainty of salvation in Islam and according to the Koran, one can never be assured of Allah’s forgiveness or love. He forgives who he wills and punishes whom he choses (2:284).

Praise God and rejoice all you Christians! Any time I look at Islam I am thankful for the faithfulness of our God through Christ Jesus. Our Father does love us and loved us before we even knew him, and He sent his Son into the world for our salvation. Praise the Lord!

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