Most of the time ‘bad news’ is coming out of Egypt, for once here’s a sovereign work of God.
The following report comes to us from long-time Christian blogger Andrew Jones (Tall Skinny Kiwi) who was visiting in Egypt at the time and attended the ‘Day of Prayer 11.11.11’:
– 71,000 attended the all-night prayer meeting in Cairo.
– It was the largest Christian event in Egypt for over a thousand years
– It was held at the cave church on Cairo’s largest garbage city, Mokattam. This church is called St Simeon the Tanner Coptic Orthodox Church.
– The gospel was proclaimed during the Prayer event and some people responded to the challenge call to follow Jesus.
– Prayers for healing were made at midnight and some people were healed of physical problems.
– It was an Egyptian event. Buses took people to this event from all over Egypt. …
One Egyptian Evangelical leader told Andrew following this event:
“I saw signs of the beginning of revival that I have never seen before!”
<<Read the entire report and the instructive comments following>>
Also while you are at it, read some of the other stories of Andrew’s visit in Egypt. They are eye opening and heart warming to say the least.
Response: It was remarkable on a number of different levels. Folks being healed and coming to Christ plus a real unity displayed in the Christian community. Also read Andrew’s report of prophetic words coming to the Christian leaders there. Obviously the Holy Spirit is at work awakening all of the Christians in Egypt including the Coptic Church. Amazing.
Note how in the report the Evangelical pastor was seemingly slighted at the prayer event but continued anyway in support and unity with his fellow Coptic Christians. What a great example for all of us.
The Christians in Egypt have been constantly under pressure and attack from the radical Islamists since the storied beginning of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ which the Western media has cast as a push towards Western-style democracy.
However, it is in reality an Islamist revival with undercurrents that have brought increased intolerance and persecution of the Christian community. We should remember to throw up a few prayers of our own in agreement and support for our Christian brothers and sisters in Egypt. Also let’s pray that real revival will spring up and bring a new kind of ‘Arab Spring’ starting with this event in Cairo.