-Remembering 9/11/01: The Face of Jesus

I wrote this a few days after 9/11/01 reflecting on a couple of visions I had that week:


Friday, I Saw the face of Jesus,

While I was listening to the special service at National Cathedral;
and tears were flowing down his cheeks.

Sunday, I saw the face of Jesus,

While I was worshipping at church; and tears were flowing down his cheeks, while thousands were filing past him in sorrow–those who died in the acts of terror–
and they did not recognize him.

Then I saw the terrorists, they were celebrating while they walked together, until they saw Jesus, then there was terror in the eyes of the terrorists–they fell on their knees–some on their faces, raising their arms and pleading.

Then I saw the face of Jesus, and he was shaking his head in disappointment,
and they were gone.

Later during the service, I saw the face of Jesus once again,

And he was smiling–as hundreds of people came before him and he hugged them, and he kissed them, and welcomed them. They were celebrating,

Then I saw the Face of Jesus once more,
and he was laughing and celebrating with them.

Posted in 9/11/01, USA

-Celebrating the Ministry of St. Patrick

Today is St. Patrick’s Day. Beyond the green beer and rowdy drunken debauchery that typically surrounds the occasion is a historical character that was God’s apostle to Ireland—forget ‘Saint’ this guy functioned as an apostle and a power evangelist with signs and wonders.

There is all sorts of stories about Patrick that today they call ‘myths’. I believe that a lot of the myths were probably based upon true events that seem far too supernatural for secular folks to accept today.

But who was this St. Patrick anyway? A man born into a Roman Christian family in Wales around 385 AD with the given name of Macwyn Succat. At age 16 he was taken from his home and enslaved by Irish Celtic raiders. He tended sheep for his new masters for 6 years and became closer to God in the process. The ‘voice of God’ directed his escape and later commissioned him to return to Ireland as a missionary. He went to seminary and became a Priest in preparation and later a Bishop.

He is recognized by all major Christian churches–Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, and Anglican since he ministered before the church was divided into all the different denominations we have today. So Protestants have just as great a claim on him as Catholics. And those of us who have Welsh blood running through our veins have as much right to claim St. Patrick as any Irishman.

It is said in documents from that period that he “baptized thousands of people”, and ordained hundreds of priests to lead new Christian communities and villages. He also converted the sons of Kings and chieftains leading to the conversion of an entire pagan nation to Christ.

It is said that he was also a healer and that he prayed for hedges of spiritual protection surrounding Christian homes, churches, and whole villages. Legend has it that snakes were banished from the island in the process, though scientists today doubt there was ever any on the island. Nevertheless, Druid priests were forced leave and demons and evil principalities were cast out and challenged by St. Patrick.

Here’s an example of the spiritual condition of  church that St. Patrick left behind—part of a prayer attributed to him but probably recorded a couple of generations later:

From “Saint Patrick’s Breastplate”:

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ below me, Christ above me, Christ to the right of me, Christ to the left of me, Christ where I lie, Christ where I sit, Christ where I stand, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye which sees me, Christ in every ear which hears me.

We could use this kind of spiritual maturity. What a great declaration to live by–an example for those seeking a Kingdom culture and economy.          

-‘Bless Friday’ Instead of ‘Black Friday’



Here’s a great way to start the Christmas season, in keeping with the teaching of Jesus who is the real reason for the season after all. From the Christian Post:

On a day when many Americans are crowding the stores for “Black Friday” bargains, a group of churches will instead do acts of charity as part of an annual observance called “Bless Friday.”

“We’re here to help connect individuals, groups and churches to the service opportunities that can transform our communities and our hearts,” noted its website.

     “We hope that by beginning their Christmas celebration with service participants will place their focus on Jesus.  We especially hope that Bless Friday connects Christmas and service in the minds of children, less Santa and more Jesus.”

<Read the whole article>

Response: This is an idea that Christians and churches all across America could get involved in. Making a difference in the lives of people is a positive way to start the Christmas season.

Already I see the Marines out with their drive for toys and the bell ringers for the Salvation Army. Bless Friday is something every church could get involved in some way in the future. It would be particularly helpful to include children in the event to help them understand what the season is really all about.               

-The ‘Real’ St. Patrick Was An Apostle

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Beyond the green beer and rowdy drunken debauchery that typically surrounds the occasion is an historical character that was God’s apostle to Ireland—forget ‘Saint’ this guy functioned as an apostle and a power evangelist.

There is all sorts of stories about Patrick that today they call ‘myths’. I believe that a lot of the myths were probably based upon true events that seem far too supernatural for secular folks to accept today.

This we do know about Patrick, he lived between 340 to 440 AD. He was born to a wealthy Christian Roman family living in Britain (Wales). At age 16 he was taken from his home and enslaved by Irish Celtic raiders. He tended sheep for his new masters for 6 years and became closer to God in the process. The ‘voice of God’ directed his escape and later commissioned him to return to Ireland as a missionary. He went to seminary and became a Priest in preparation and later a Bishop.

It is said in documents from that period that he “baptized thousands of people”, and ordained hundreds of priests to lead new Christian communities and villages. He also converted the sons of Kings and chieftains leading to the conversion of an entire pagan nation to Christ.

Legend has it that he was a healer and that he banished snakes from the island though scientists today doubt whether there were that many snakes on the island after the last glacial period.

Here’s an example of the spiritual condition of the church that St. Patrick left behind—part of a prayer attributed to him but probably written a couple of generations later:

From “Saint Patrick’s Breastplate”:

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ below me, Christ above me, Christ to the right of me, Christ to the left of me, Christ where I lie, Christ where I sit, Christ where I stand, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye which sees me, Christ in every ear which hears me.

We could use this kind of spiritual maturity. What a great declaration to live by–an example for those seeking a Kingdom culture and economy.              

-Happy New Year- 2013: A Good Time to Pray


Happy New Year- 2013!

It is a good time to begin the year right with a prayer for peace around the world.

Remember to pray for the peace in Jerusalem and in the Middle East. Also let’s remember to pray that the Iranian drive for nuclear weapons will somehow be peacefully resolved.

It is also a great time to pray for our economy which seems to be stuck in recession with all sort of folks (self appointed experts) warning that maybe the worst is yet to come?

Meanwhile, we have political leaders in Washington DC that seem to be more interested in pushing their own agenda and increasing their own political power above that which might be best for the country and the world. Let’s pray that this tendency will be turned around in 2013.

There are Christians all around the world being persecuted for their faith. Let’s remember them in our prayers. Just in the last week – Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani was re-arrested and taken from his family in Iran on Christmas Day, 12 Christians were killed by Muslim terrorists in Nigeria during Christmas Eve services, 41 Christians were arrested by the religious police in Saudi Arabia for having a Christmas party in a private home, a Christian man in Syria was beheaded by the Islamist rebels and fed to  animals, and 10 million+ Coptic Christians in Egypt are now facing a new reality of life under a newly approved radical sharia supporting Constitution.

It is also a good time to pray that revival will come to places all around America and that the American church will experience a new reformation of hope and finally stand up and bear the light and hope of the Good News of Jesus Christ to a darkening culture and people that desperately need good news and hope in their lives.

May God bless us all in 2013.      

-Remembering 9/11/01 and Looking Towards the Future




Our family visited the 9/11 Memorial in NY City 10 days ago and found it to be an experience that is nearly impossible to put into words.The site is huge and nearly everywhere you look there is new construction going on. We quietly filed into the memorial grounds with thousands of others but it was the sounds of construction and not of people that were plainly heard the day we were there. Today it is a place of quite reflection.

While that day we remembered what happened on 9/11/01 our greatest thoughts were on the future as we viewed the new Freedom Tower rising up to dominant a new NY City skyline along with two other World Trade towers rising also from the ashes of the past.

Personally, the greatest experience for me was visiting St. Paul’s Chapel (Built in 1766- picture above) which was right across the street from the memorial and had been a staging and resting area for the rescue people following 9/11/01.

The history of the chapel is incredible. It was the church that George Washington worshipped in and following his 1st inauguration at Federal Hall in NYC 1789, Washington and the entire new government of the United States including the new Congressmen and Senators walked to St. Paul’s Chapel and prayed together for the future of the new constitutional republic of America that began that day. At that time, all of the lands on which the World Trade Center was later built upon were part of the church property.

Coming out of the experience of actually being there and reading about the history of the site I am now convinced that the attack was not just one of terror and politics but was also a spiritual attack on the religious foundations of our nation. The rebuilding at the site shows our resolve but the real future of America will be defined by our spiritual responses and condition.

We have a past where the entire American government prayed for our future on that very site. “May a new spiritual awakening start in this very place and bring a new revival all across America while there is yet day”: that was one of the prayers I prayed 10 days ago in Paul’s Chapel at Ground Zero. Let us remember the past and look to the future, pray for revival, and pray that God will bless America once more.              

-Happy Independence Day, America!


(July 4th: smilla4)

Happy Independence Day, America!

This is a good time to remember to pray for America and our future. Particularly pray for religious freedom and for revival.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 

2Chronicles 7:14

-America of the Founders and Now


Much has been made of the variety of beliefs held by the founders of this country but their words and convictions remain not only on the paper they penned these words on but also in the hearts of the people. America has always been a nation ‘under God’ and ‘freedom of religion’ has been a primary right of its citizens.

One only has to visit Washington DC and look at all of the messages etched in stone to realize how much faith in God has been as part of the American experiment and experience. Stroll into the Jefferson monument and view the different references he made to the Creator. Yet he is supposed to be the champion of ‘Separation of Church and State’ and progressive thought. 

We now live in a generation when some are challenging those rights and liberties in the name of ‘separation of church and state’. Some would even like to remove all vestiges of religion or faith from the public square. Every week we find new challenges to our religious liberties.

I have seen many changes over the course of my life when it comes to religion in the public square. When I started school in the 50’s every day began with a prayer and the pledge. Also, I can remember studying the Bible in elementary school and when it came to Christmas all of the traditional Christmas carols were naturally sung. Prayers were still given at my baccalaureate, commencement, and even before some of the football games in the 60’s. None of the public displays of faith seemed out of place then.

Now that is all gone from the public schools and really no way that it can be recovered.

Growing up, I can remember that every family went to some church or another on Sundays except for the next door neighbor who was a Seventh–Day Adventist and the Jewish family down the street who preferred Saturdays for their worship instead.

It had been much the same way in America when my parents grew up and my grand parents also. In fact my mother told me that the readers they used in school (1915-20)actually taught them how to read using Bible passages. How foreign that would be today in our current schools.

It was also a time when America rose up and took its place among the top countries of the world on many different levels. This country has been tremendously blessed by God.

If God is erased from the public square and discourse of America, then what will be the new basis and foundation of our freedoms? So much of what we have was actually built upon the foundation of Christian civilization that owed its very existence to the Bible and the teachings of Jesus and his disciples. What will be the new standard if any that assures the continuity of freedom in America if not the Creator?

Shall we be left to rely upon politicians and judges and the sifting sands of popular notions? Or will scriptural principles continue to light the way like this NT passage did?:

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” –Galatians 3:28-29

All distinctions were done way in Christ and American society eventually has followed suit and provided equal justice and freedom for all.

What kind of America will my grandchildren and great grandchildren be living in? Will America continue to lead the world in freedom, commerce, and faith or will it decline into the dust pan of history?

I pray that Americans will continue to respect and worship God from whom all of our blessings and liberties flow.            

-“5 Suggestions for Finding More Joy at Christmas”


And the angel said to them,

“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”  –Luke 2:10-14

Here’s some great suggestions for finding real joy during the busy Christmas season from Ron Edmondson pastor at Grace Community Church, in Clarksville, Tennessee:  “5 Suggestions for Finding More Joy at Christmas”

Here are five suggestions to greater joy at Christmas:

Lower expectations of others – We shouldn’t hold others to expectation we set for them. People, even the best of people, will disappoint us.

Increase your investment in others – Something supernatural happens when we share with others. We are to give and extend grace, as it was given to us.

Examine your life/Address known sin – You can’t have joy w/a holy God if you are living contrary to His desires for your life

Change your perspective – Choosing to be greatly joyful is not based on circumstances, but comes by perspective.

Set your eyes on the prize – If you’re struggling to find joy in life, set your eyes on Jesus; the author and perfecter of your faith.

-Putting Christ and Merry Back into the Christmas Season


                   (Image via Wikipedia)

There seems to be far fewer attacks upon Christmas this year. As I go out into the stores I now see a variety of signs greeting me including ‘Merry Christmas’ most of the time. Some of the same stores only had the perfunctory ‘Happy Holidays’ on their signs last year.

Maybe some of the business administrators read the same poll I did that 70% of Americans prefer the ‘Merry Christmas’ greeting to ‘Happy Holidays’. Maybe some of the businesses in their haste to be ‘inclusive’ and not to offend a few now realize they were actually offending the many instead.

Some other polls that I have read find that between 85-92% of the country celebrates Christmas in some form or another.

Even for those who are not really believers, the Christmas season still brings the story of the birth of Jesus to the forefront for a few weeks out of the years at least. Though a cursory inventory of the shows on TV demonstrates a continuing trend towards the myth of Santa Claus and his reindeer and away from the true miracle of the season. For some the season should probably be called ‘Santa-mas’.

One disturbing thing I found over the weekend is that my grandchildren really do not know very many of the old traditional Christmas carols. They stopped singing them in schools so their exposure to traditional Christmas music is now limited to home and church and the car radio.

This Christmas season is a time of economic difficulty for many. I know in our own family we will not be spending as much on gifts as we have in the past. Nevertheless, this Christmas will not be diminished in any way since we plan to emphasis the ‘merry’ and the ‘Christ’ during this season and reach out to others when we can.