-Taiwan: 200,000 Christians Gather Praying Against Invasion


          (Taipei City by Tom Ritson)

Over 200,000 Taiwanese Christians are involved in praying for their nation against a potential invasion by China: 

A remarkable prayer movement has taken hold, as individuals from various walks of life come together in continuous prayer sessions. Their focus lies in calling for spiritual revival, unity, repentance and protection for their homeland.

Taiwan’s Christians stand united, fervently believing that their petitions will reach God, and His guiding hand will bring peace and protection to their beloved nation. In the midst of rising tensions, they find comfort and assurance in the words of

Philippians 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with gratitude, make your requests known to God.”

Another key scripture for the prayer movement is:

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

<<Read the whole article>>

Response: According to Taiwan sources, the potential for an attack is far greater than our media is letting us know about and the seriousness of it does not seem to bother the current President and his administration.

Christians here in America should join these free Taiwanese Christian brothers and sisters in praying for their continued freedom and against war.

-Halloween? No–Reformation Day—a Great Time to Pray for Revival


On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of a church Wittenberg, Germany starting the Reformation of the Church. The enemy likes to use this day for propagating his dark agenda but this is also Reformation Day—a great day to pray for revival.

Generals International Ministry are sponsoring a conference of over 2,000 intercessors today to pray and intercede for this nation. According to Cindy Jacobs the meeting is all about responding to a call of the Spirit to prayer :

“Believers across America are deeply concerned about the state of our nation. Prayer warriors are writing and calling us daily to warn that they feel we are on the verge of something catastrophic in scope coming to the nation.”  …

“We’re going to pray for a reformation back to a biblical worldview in our nation, against terrorist attacks, for the economy [and for] the state of the nation.”

“We’re not for the donkey or the elephant; we’re for whoever stands up. This is not the time to water down the message. … We definitely feel the Holy Spirit stirring, and we are very concerned for our nation. There is a feeling of sobriety in our country.”

The message that some of the prophetic folks around the nation are getting right now is that it is time to pray. What ever else we do today let’s remember to join in prayer continually for this nation and people, and for Revival to flood across America once more.