–Oct. 31: Happy Reformation Day!


(The door of All Saints’ Church, Wittenberg)

Happy Halloween Happy Reformation Day!

I know. October 31st is known for witches, goblins, pumpkins, and trick or treat.

It is amazing to me how in the last 20 years or so Halloween has gone from a one night ‘celebration’ to become an entire ‘holiday’ season of it’s own with parties and decorations that span nearly an entire month. Plus it has become an excuse for every TV station to flood the air with the worst horror movies of all time.  Not a genre that I am particularly fond of.

However, this is also the anniversary of a real earth shaking -game changing- historical event that altered the face of Europe and forever changed the Christian Church. 506 years ago on this day- October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany starting The Reformation.

The enemy (Satan) likes to use this day for propagating his dark agenda but on this day a genuine move of God was initiated that still continues. The beginning of a revival right in the face of the enemy on his own day.

For years the church tried to redeem this day calling it- All Hallows’ Eve, or All Saints’ Eve with church services looking forward to midnight which began the traditional Christian celebration of ‘All Saints Day.’ However in our present culture the historical Christian observance of this day has been largely forgotten.

Let us redeem this dark day and pray for God to continue to reform and revive his church.  Let’s also in remembrance of the original Reformation pray today for a new awakening to begin in America. May a new door of renewal and revival open in America that no man can shut.  In Jesus name, Amen          

-Reformation Needed –For Charismatic Pentecostal Churches?


        (Image via Wikipedia)

This is a great time to consider the real need for a reformation of the Charismatic and Pentecostal churches in America.

J. Lee Grady proposes a new reformation along with new theses for change in this article:

“It’s (Past) Time for a Charismatic Reformation”

Here’s the Theses of change that Grady proposes:

1. Let’s reform our theology.

2. Let’s return to the Bible.

3. It’s time for personal responsibility.

4. Stop playing games.

5. Stop the foolishness.

6. End all spiritual extortion now.

7. No more Lone Rangers.

8. Expose the creeps.

9. Stop faking the anointing.

10. Let’s return to purity.

11. We need humility.

12. No more big shots.

13. Never promote gifts at the expense of character.

14. Hold the prophets accountable.

15. Let’s make the main thing the main thing.

Read the whole article to see his comments and explanations under each of the 15 theses. At least a good start and something to consider and pray about. May God bless and reform his church. Let it begin to day and let it begin with us.

-Halloween? No–Reformation Day—a Great Time to Pray for Revival


On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of a church Wittenberg, Germany starting the Reformation of the Church. The enemy likes to use this day for propagating his dark agenda but this is also Reformation Day—a great day to pray for revival.

Generals International Ministry are sponsoring a conference of over 2,000 intercessors today to pray and intercede for this nation. According to Cindy Jacobs the meeting is all about responding to a call of the Spirit to prayer :

“Believers across America are deeply concerned about the state of our nation. Prayer warriors are writing and calling us daily to warn that they feel we are on the verge of something catastrophic in scope coming to the nation.”  …

“We’re going to pray for a reformation back to a biblical worldview in our nation, against terrorist attacks, for the economy [and for] the state of the nation.”

“We’re not for the donkey or the elephant; we’re for whoever stands up. This is not the time to water down the message. … We definitely feel the Holy Spirit stirring, and we are very concerned for our nation. There is a feeling of sobriety in our country.”

The message that some of the prophetic folks around the nation are getting right now is that it is time to pray. What ever else we do today let’s remember to join in prayer continually for this nation and people, and for Revival to flood across America once more.