-Brazil: 3 Million Evangelicals March For Jesus


Last week over 3 million Evangelical Christians marched in Sao Paulo, Brazil proclaiming their nation for Jesus. From Fox News:

Millions marched in the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil last week as part of one of the largest Christian gatherings in the world.

The March for Jesus in Brazil organizers report there were three million attendees with more than 10 hours of praise and worship, led by 28 Brazillian gospel bands and singers, and dozens of evangelical pastors and leaders, Evangelical Focus reported.

<Read the while article>

Response: Revival and an awakening has been going on in Brazil for some time now. Close to 30% of brazil’s population are now evangelical Christians and they have become a real force in the country.  Note that Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, showed up and participated in the event. 

-The Send 2019: A New Jesus People Move?


60,000 gathered in Orlando on Saturday for The Send 2019 -hoping to kick off a new ‘Jesus People’ move of God. From the Christian Post:

“The Send,” was a 10-hour event organized by Youth With A Mission, Christ for All Nations, and Lou Engle of Lou Engle Ministries. The Orlando, Florida event at Camping World Stadium featured several collaborators from various national ministries who hoped to motivate Christians to fulfill their God-given call.

According to Engle, the live-streamed event was inspired by a conversation in 2011 with YWAM members hoping missionaries would rise up following the death of Rev. Billy Graham.

As the day went on, The Send featured pastors and evangelists such Bill Johnson, Daniel Kolenda and Francis Chan, along with worship teams such as Hillsong Young & Free, Jesus Culture, Tasha Cobbs-Leonard and Bethel Music.

<Read the whole article>

Response: The organizers of this gathering are hoping that this kicks off a new move of God among young people in particular like the Jesus People Move of the last generation. Every move and revival is different but it is the dedication and life changing type of movement among the youth that we are looking for in this generation.

Actually we are hoping and looking for an even greater international revival- a Great Harvest which will be far beyond any previous move of God since the first century.

From The Send website:

“a call to action, a call to repentance and a call to service.”

The Send is a stadium gathering and national campaign to catalyze every believer into a lifestyle of Christ-like action.

-What Does a Genuine Move of God Look Like?


What does a genuine move of God look like? It is allowing the Holy Spirit to do what he wants to do. It is seeking God and nothing else. It is doing what the Father is doing just like Jesus did.

In the context of a church and especially church services it might be somewhat chaotic or at least look that way to those visiting or on the outside looking in. Read the account about Pentecost in Acts 2. Folks on the street thought they were drunk.  A genuine move of God might even be uncomfortable for faithful believers and even strain some of our theology. At least past revivals have.

I recently read a book  by John and Carol Arnott about their experiences as leaders during the Toronto Outpouring or Blessing which is ongoing in many ways and in many places as far away as Africa. But the real focus of the book was on preparing for and sustaining the next move of God:

Preparing for the Glory: Getting Ready for the Next Wave of Holy Spirit Outpouring

Anyone interested in revival should take the time to read this book. It is full of great experiences and full of hope and insights into what God is doing now and what the next move might look like and how to prepare for it.

-Nashville Worship Event: ‘There Was a Mighty Move of God’

Michael W. Smith led a large worship event at Nashville TN in August. The reports from that concert claim that ‘there was a mighty move of God’ that is still affecting the lives of many who were there that night. From the Christian Post:

Legendary Christian artist Michael W. Smith …said he felt “called” to usher in a great awakening throughout America, …

     “When I think back on the night, one of the first things that comes to my memory is the diversity in the audience. All colors, all ethnicities, all ages — young, old. It was probably the most racially and ethnically diverse crowds I’ve ever played for,” …”It was beautiful and I remember thinking: ‘This is what Heaven will look like.’” …

     “Without question, there was a mighty move of God in the arena that night. And now, weeks later, I’m still hearing reports of lives changed, commitments deepened, and people empowered in a new way. Not just here [in Nashville] but from people in other cities and states that were here that night,” He told CP. “I believe there will be an impact in days, weeks and even years to come; not because of me, but because [of the Bible’s] promise.” …

     “This night is going to trigger something that will spread like wildfire across this country and around the world,” Smith said after the event. “I really believe that with every fiber of my being.”

<Read the whole article>

Response: I believe that events like this will begin to happen all across America and on into Canada. It will begin with major worship gatherings and spread from there. There have been many prophecies about stadiums and arenas being filled with people praising God and looking for revival and healing over our divided land.

When God moves, like it did at this concert, it isn’t just emotions that are affected for one night but lives begin to change and with it churches and whole neighborhoods and cities where the attendants worship, work, and live.

Lord, let your Spirit fall once more across America and bring a new Awakening from sea to shining sea.    

-Revival on Military Base in Missouri?


(Image source: Facebook/Jose M. Rondon)

According to reports, there is an on-going revival happening on a military base in Missouri. From Faithwire:

A US army chaplain has described what he believes to be somewhat of a “revival” occurring on a military base in Missouri. The number are staggering: over the past six months, nearly 2,000 troops have reportedly come to the Lord.  …

Among the scores of soldiers coming to Christ, there are multiple testimonies of lives transformed and hearts turned to Christ.

        <Read the whole article>

Response: Keep praying that this will continue and that government authorities will not be pressured by atheist organizations to shut it down or curtail it in some way.

-Revival Reports: 5 Churches


Here are reports of five very different American churches where revival is ongoing or has recently happened. From Charisma News:

“5 Revivals Breaking Out Across America in This Hour

We have already posted on most of these but it gives us hope to see them all on the same page. Now if more churches around America can get on the same page with the Holy Spirit maybe we will see this list expanded before the year is over. I would like to see it spread like popcorn popping.

Notice that all of these are scattered around in different places. Not only that but across different denominational streams and affiliations.               

-Sweden: Iranian Christian Convert Leads 1,500 Muslims to Christ


Nearly every week we read reports from Europe about the problems and outright terrorism being perpetrated by the thousands of Muslim refugees. It is not too difficult for discerning believers to see our enemy’s hand in all this. Even worse, the demographers claim that if the current trend continue, Europe will eventually be dominated by Muslims. Some even talk about the Vatican being surrounded by mosques in a generation.

Yet in the midst of it all we receive reports of Muslims coming to Christ  This  recent account from the Christian Post should be encouraging. A former Iranian Muslim convert has led over 1,500 Muslims to Christ in Sweden:

An Iranian convert to Christianity who is now an ordained minister in the Church of Sweden says she has helped bring nearly 1,500 Muslims to Christ over the past five years.

Annahita Parsan told Fox News in a report on Wednesday that her life, which has undergone huge tribulations, is “completely different since coming to Jesus.”

<Read the whole article>

Read her story in the article, it will give you hope. The fact is, in the midst of all of the bad news about Islam and the radical terrorists, more Muslims have actually converted to Christianity in the last ten years than ever before since the founding of Islam. The enemy has his plans but our God is more powerful and every knee shall eventually bow at the name of Jesus.

-Acts 2/ Joel 2: Looking Forward

It is a new day and a new Biblical year and we are still looking forward to revival. But sometimes there is stuff that must come first or may come along with it that we would rather avoid. But the word ‘Revival’ only brings to our minds the ‘good stuff’ and all of the ‘not so good’ that came along with former moves of God is usually forgotten or disregarded. 

500 years ago on October 31, 1517 Martin Luther tacked 95 theses to a door in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther wanted to bring revival and reform to the church but schism came instead and a few years later he was excommunicated and then the wars followed for several hundred years. But the church was reformed and change came to all of the church regardless. One wonders if he would have proceeded differently if he had known all the stuff that was going to follow.

One thing for sure, the Reformation was a Move of God. More than anything else the most important result was access to the Bible and real knowledge of the written Word of God- the Logos. Before 1517 The Word was only available to the Priests, Monks, and scholars and very little of it was allowed to ever trickle on down to the regular folks. Not only that but ‘worship’ services were in Latin which only the educated could understand.

Coming out of the Reformation, services started being conducted in the vernacular and an exposition and teaching of the Scriptures became an important part of worship. Later the Bible was translated into the languages of the people and with the invention of the printing press it became available for regular folks. The church was changed by the Logos of God.

Most of us in Charismatic and Pentecostal churches look back on Azusa Street in 1906 as the beginning of another Move of God that changed the church. This time it was the Rhema Word of God that was restored along with all of the Spiritual gifts. A good historical case can be made that the ‘gifts’ never really departed entirely from the church but few regular folks in the church had the opportunity to experience them.

Now we are at a new crossroad where a significant part of the church is questioning whether the Bible is still even relevant and whether certain plain teachings in the Word should be disregarded or ignored. Ironically it is the old ‘Reformation’ mainline churches that are in the midst of rejecting their own foundations which were rooted in ’solo scriptura.’

The point is, major change and a new move of God including some kind of new ‘reformation’ is ahead for the church and we can expect that the revival we are hoping for may be far different than our romanticized expectations. Fact is, the church is always ‘looking forward’ to the past revivals and is never fully prepared to receive the new one.

To demonstrate what I am talking about let’s take a look at Acts. Before all of the good stuff in Acts 2 we find in chapter 1 that all the church devoted themselves to prayer. Since Pentecost came 50 days after the Passover they could have been praying solid for at least a month or so. Not only that, but for only this one time in history the entire church and everyone in it was actually prepared to receive a move from God.

Now for the scary part that may be relevant for us now or in the very least for the church some time in the future. We all like the ‘good stuff’ in Peter’s quote of Joel 2:

17 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares,that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,and your young men shall see visions,and your old men shall dream dreams;

18 even on my male servants and female servants
in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy. …

21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’

Here’s the part of Acts 2 / Joel 2 we would rather ignore. The verses between 18 and 21 (19 & 20):

19 And I will show wonders in the heavens above
and signs on the earth below,
blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke;

20 the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.

In light of all of the major disasters lately, these verses might be far more relevant to a coming revival than we want to admit. Also, a falling away and major persecution might well come along with it.

It is time for the church to pray. It is always time for us to pray but especially now.              

-Hungary: ‘Greatest Revival of Our Time’?


Here’s a link to an article by Ted Baehr who claims that the ‘greatest revival of our time’ is breaking out in Hungary:

Recently, I returned from speaking and teaching in Hungary with my son Robby, … Hungary was a wonderful, definitive, different experience because Hungary is in the midst of revival. More than 60 percent of the members of Parliament there are Christian. The prime minister, who was once a typical European leftist, who started out a Communist Youth leader, came to Christ and is on fire for God. Members of the cabinet are pastors and leaders in Reformed and other Hungarian churches.

Besides speaking at the conference that brought me to Hungary, World Congress of Families, I got the chance to speak in the largest Christian church, 60,000 people, one of the largest churches in the world. That church owns the biggest news network in Hungary, reaching 2 million people.

What makes all of this so exceptional is the history of Hungary.

<Read the whole article>

Response: This is really good news.  Most of the time when we read about Europe it is all about how Muslims are taking over significant parts of Germany, UK, Sweden, and causing trouble in France. We forget about what is happening in the former communist countries in the East where Christianity seems to be flourishing more than in the West which is seemingly becoming more secular.

Add this to the on-going secret revivals taking place among Muslims and in China and North Korea. Meanwhile in this country we have a prominent senator and former presidential candidate questioning whether conservative Christians should be allowed to even serve in the government.                

-Some Revival Implications For The Church

26 At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” 27 This phrase, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of things that are shaken—that is, things that have been made—in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain. 28 Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, 29 for our God is a consuming fire. –Heb. 12:26-29

While I was reading the 12th chapter of Hebrews this morning the 26-29 verses leaped off the page and the Following word came to me:

This is the revival you have been praying for. 

As I read the verses again some of the implications and dangers for the church in midst of revival and afterwards began to come to mind. It may not be as rosy and cozy as most of us expect. For sure the church will be changed in ways we do not  see now. We have been praying for the Kingdom to come down in our midst and have not fully comprehended how that will change the church as we know it.

The church and the leaders will be refined by God’s own fire and that which can be shaken will. It will be glorious but also painful. The church that remains will stand up and more accurately represent the Kingdom of God on earth, fulfill its calling, and finally become the worthy Body and Bride of Christ.

Unfortunately part of the church as we know it will not endure. Look for whole denominations and movements to go into apostasy afterwards. We can already see it happening as some of the mainline churches are turning their backs upon the Word of God. Look for some to turn their backs upon the Word himself and deny his divinity for the sake of world peace.

Revival will come to every church and signs and wonders will follow and many will be saved but the response of the leaders and the aftermath will not be the same.