-Move of God Continues: University of Georgia

(Stegeman Coliseum @Wikipedia)

The revival that started at Asbury University last year and then to Auburn University and others, including Florida State and Alabama U., continues to spread to numerous colleges across the country. The most recent was at the University of Georgia. Thousands of students showed up for worship services at Stegeman Coliseum and over 150 were baptized. From the Christian Post:

“…Unite US held an event at Stegeman Coliseum, near the University of Georgia, with around 150 people being baptized in the beds of pickup trucks for want of a traditional baptismal setting.  …

In addition to the spontaneous baptisms, Prewett told CP that her organization was also engaged in following up with the students who made their public professions of faith.

“We were able to get every name and number for each student who was baptized,” said Prewett regarding last week’s event in Georgia.

“Our organization will follow up with each student and will provide a list of every church and campus ministry in the area. For students who requested to be connected with a local church or ministry we will send their name to that ministry.”

<Read the whole article>

Response: Continue to pray for this move of God to touch every school in America.

-Fellowship of Christian Athletes Had Over 51,000 Come to Christ in 2023

God is moving among the young people. A banner year for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes:

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes announced that more than 51,000 decisions for Christ were made at the youth organization’s various gatherings in fiscal year 2023.

The prominent Christian student group said in a news release that 51,730 faith decisions were made at its various events held from September 2022 to August 2023.

“The best gift we can give and receive at Christmas is the gift of Christ, who came to Earth to save us and offer us all the free gift of salvation,” said FCA President and CEO Shane Williamson in a statement shared with The Christian Post.

Read the whole article

-God Moving in Tiny Kentucky Town

Small Town Kentucky

Slaughters, Kentucky, (pop. 186) is experiencing an unusual move of God. It started with unrest at the local High School but now sees up to 300 coming to Church youth services and 87 have been saved with 53 baptism so far. Here’s the story from CBN:

According to Tyler Feller, the church’s part-time teaching pastor, …They began praying for a meaningful breakthrough during the upcoming youth event focused on teaching the foundations of faith.

In a series of emails with CBN News, Feller shared that the church has since seen a youth revival that began on Sept. 15. The scheduled event has morphed into what is now known as the Unashamed Kentucky Youth Revival.

There have also been reports of high school students worshipping together before school, and writing Bible verses on Post-It notes, leaving them to encourage their fellow students.  Photos have also been posted to social media of teenagers at various locations in the small town holding up signs to passing vehicles that read, “Jesus Loves You,” “Jesus Christ is Lord,” and “Jesus Died for You.”

“I have spoken at hundreds of youth events and led very large youth ministries, but I have never seen anything quite like this,” Feller told CBN News.

Response: Revival and moves of God are beginning to happen all over America, especially among the youth.

-Kentucky: ‘Move of God’ Results in 100 Salvations and 46 Baptisms


First Baptist Church in Hodgenville, Kentucky sponsored a four-day event that began in the schools, saw hundreds of students come to church, and ended with 100 salvations and 46 baptisms. Here’s the story from CBN

The leaders of the church were able to get an evangelist in the public schools with an anti-bullying presentation for elementary and middle school students. Pastors met with the principals last school year to describe the message and share their plans for this week’s event. …

The school outreach resulted in more than 210 students showing up to the church and 59 students coming to the altar for salvation on Tuesday night.

“I asked some of our members, ‘When was the last time we had 210 students in church?'” Rogers said. “They said never. It’s a great thing and God is moving.”

The following night, which was the last night of the crusade, they baptized 46 people and counted 100 salvations.

Response: A ‘Move of God’ that began with an unique outreach in the schools. Praise the Lord, God is moving in unique ways all across America, particularly among the young people in schools and colleges. 

-Revival Breaking Out at Youth Fire Week


A report of revival breaking out at Youth Fire Week in Tampa Bay, Florida.  From:

Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne

·What a night! Over 2,600 teenagers filled the pavilion & over 600 answered the altar call tonight at opening night of Youth Fire Week!

We can’t wait to see you the rest of the week at 9:30 AM & 7 PM!

The services can be watched on RevivalTV: https://www.revivaltv.com/browse

-Sedalia Revival: Saturday Night & Sunday Celebration


Sedalia Revival: Saturday Night over 1,000 showed up for the final service. So did the Holy Spirit.

Then Sunday there was a picnic and pool party plus a baptism service. It was an incredible atmosphere where hundreds of folks from a bunch of different churches ate and rejoiced together in recreation.

As those of us in ministry and leadership rejoiced; we informally met together and we talked about this weeks revival. The responses were all the same: the Holy Spirit showed up and a new foundation for unity among Christians in Sedalia had been laid. Also, ‘more’ was a word I heard over and over again.

But everyone I talked to agreed that this was just the beginning and we all can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do next in our community. There seemed to be a consensus that the planning and prayer meetings for the pastors and leaders needed to continue and let the Lord continue to move in our midst.

Many were saying that they were hoping to see a revival among the youth and in the schools soon and maybe some kind of ministry during the Missouri State Fair which is held here in Sedalia in August. Come Holy Spirit and continue to hover over our city and area.

-Sedalia Revival: The Third Night


There was a huge Thunderstorm in Sedalia last night that affected attendance to the Revival. The storm had winds up to 70 mph and did a lot of damage in KC and the surrounding area but circled around and missed the Revival site. Early on, winds began pull up the tent along with the poles and pegs but after prayer we received only some rain. And there was a double rainbow at the end of the storm- Praise the Lord! 

Over 600 came anyway

590 in the main tent

43 in the children’s tent

16 baptisms

lots of folks prayed for

And a Double rainbow!

The Holy Spirit showed up again! Come tonight (7/15) at 7pm and experience the incredible worship music, testimonies, preaching, and a unique time in the presence of the Lord Jesus and his Holy Spirit.

-Sedalia Revival: The Second Night


Over 800 attended the second night (Thursday 7/13) of the Sedalia Revival.

790 in the main tent

65 in the children’s tent

1750 viewed it on Facebook live

Many received prayer

Some were healed

and 2 Salvations

The Holy Spirit was flowing and many were blessed in untold ways. The focus tonight seems to have been on receiving prayer for more of God, for help with difficulties, and for healing. I believe that there will be many testimonies of blessing and healing coming out of tonight and in the coming services.

Come tonight at 7pm and experience what God is doing for yourself-

-Sedalia Revival: The First Night



I believe that the first first night (Wed. 7/12) of the Sedalia Revival was a blessed event. Over 900 showed up but more importantly so did the Holy Spirit. Tears came to my eyes as the evening progressed—I commented to one of the leaders:

This is what I have been waiting for all of my life.

Here’s the official counts for the first night:

902 people in the main tent
70 in the children’s tent
8 salvations
5 baptisms
1 child dedication
Plus many folks were prayed for.

I have been praying for Revival for years. In 2015 we stopped in Sedalia to visit some relatives, figuring that we would only be here for 3 days or so. But the Lord had different plans for us and we are still here—because he told me that this is where our destiny is and that revival would come here in Sedalia and I would be a part of it.

I believe that last night was just the beginning of a Move of God that will begin with this series and carry on with many future events to come. I believe that all of the churches in this city and area will begin to be blessed in an uncommon way with the Holy Spirit; including healings, and miracles like never before. I also believe that coming soon there will a major Move among the youth in this city and the surrounding area. Come Holy Spirit.

Come tonight at 7pm and experience it for yourself.

-4,500 Baptized in Pirates Cove in Newport CA


Some 4,500 people were baptized over the week-end at Pirates Cove in Newport, California. The scene was reminiscent of the Jesus People Revival were thousands were baptized at this same location during the late 60’s and early 1970’s. The event followed the recent Harvest Crusade in So. California (July 2-4).

Evangelist Greg Laurie called it an event of ‘Biblical proportions:

“On the day of Pentecost, after Peter preached, we read in the Bible that 3,000 people were baptized. At Pirates Cove, we are looking at a baptism of biblical proportions,” Laurie told the Washington Times.

Read the whole article on WND