-What Does a Genuine Move of God Look Like?


What does a genuine move of God look like? It is allowing the Holy Spirit to do what he wants to do. It is seeking God and nothing else. It is doing what the Father is doing just like Jesus did.

In the context of a church and especially church services it might be somewhat chaotic or at least look that way to those visiting or on the outside looking in. Read the account about Pentecost in Acts 2. Folks on the street thought they were drunk.  A genuine move of God might even be uncomfortable for faithful believers and even strain some of our theology. At least past revivals have.

I recently read a book  by John and Carol Arnott about their experiences as leaders during the Toronto Outpouring or Blessing which is ongoing in many ways and in many places as far away as Africa. But the real focus of the book was on preparing for and sustaining the next move of God:

Preparing for the Glory: Getting Ready for the Next Wave of Holy Spirit Outpouring

Anyone interested in revival should take the time to read this book. It is full of great experiences and full of hope and insights into what God is doing now and what the next move might look like and how to prepare for it.

-‘Bless Friday’ Instead of ‘Black Friday’



Here’s a great way to start the Christmas season, in keeping with the teaching of Jesus who is the real reason for the season after all. From the Christian Post:

On a day when many Americans are crowding the stores for “Black Friday” bargains, a group of churches will instead do acts of charity as part of an annual observance called “Bless Friday.”

“We’re here to help connect individuals, groups and churches to the service opportunities that can transform our communities and our hearts,” noted its website.

     “We hope that by beginning their Christmas celebration with service participants will place their focus on Jesus.  We especially hope that Bless Friday connects Christmas and service in the minds of children, less Santa and more Jesus.”

<Read the whole article>

Response: This is an idea that Christians and churches all across America could get involved in. Making a difference in the lives of people is a positive way to start the Christmas season.

Already I see the Marines out with their drive for toys and the bell ringers for the Salvation Army. Bless Friday is something every church could get involved in some way in the future. It would be particularly helpful to include children in the event to help them understand what the season is really all about.               

-Nashville Worship Event: ‘There Was a Mighty Move of God’

Michael W. Smith led a large worship event at Nashville TN in August. The reports from that concert claim that ‘there was a mighty move of God’ that is still affecting the lives of many who were there that night. From the Christian Post:

Legendary Christian artist Michael W. Smith …said he felt “called” to usher in a great awakening throughout America, …

     “When I think back on the night, one of the first things that comes to my memory is the diversity in the audience. All colors, all ethnicities, all ages — young, old. It was probably the most racially and ethnically diverse crowds I’ve ever played for,” …”It was beautiful and I remember thinking: ‘This is what Heaven will look like.’” …

     “Without question, there was a mighty move of God in the arena that night. And now, weeks later, I’m still hearing reports of lives changed, commitments deepened, and people empowered in a new way. Not just here [in Nashville] but from people in other cities and states that were here that night,” He told CP. “I believe there will be an impact in days, weeks and even years to come; not because of me, but because [of the Bible’s] promise.” …

     “This night is going to trigger something that will spread like wildfire across this country and around the world,” Smith said after the event. “I really believe that with every fiber of my being.”

<Read the whole article>

Response: I believe that events like this will begin to happen all across America and on into Canada. It will begin with major worship gatherings and spread from there. There have been many prophecies about stadiums and arenas being filled with people praising God and looking for revival and healing over our divided land.

When God moves, like it did at this concert, it isn’t just emotions that are affected for one night but lives begin to change and with it churches and whole neighborhoods and cities where the attendants worship, work, and live.

Lord, let your Spirit fall once more across America and bring a new Awakening from sea to shining sea.    

-Witches Publicly Cursing Brett Kavanaugh


This sounds like a Halloween story but it really isn’t.

An event to curse Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on October 20 was sold out. From Charisma News:

Justice Brett Kavanaugh officially joined the Supreme Court this week amid high political tensions. A throng of real-life witches are fighting back by hosting a spell-casting ritual against Kavanaugh in New York. …

More than 10,000 people have “liked” the “Ritual to Hex Brett Kavanaugh” page, while some 900 others say they plan on attending. …

<Read the whole article>

Response: A good wake up call to remember to pray for our government officials, especially Justice Kavanaugh at this time. Also remember to pray for his family which was sorely affected by the controversy surrounding his confirmation.

This sounds like some kind of Halloween publicity stunt and in some ways it is but these folks are serious occult followers and some of the money raised by the event is going to go to Planned Parenthood.

This does indicate how much our culture has changed in the last decade or so.  A few years ago folks would have been privately doing this and the numbers would have been small and they would have not admitted to anything like this in public. Now the occult is a growing religious phenomena in America and far more open.

A good reminder that we really do battle against demonic principalities and powers that seem to be gaining authority in this generation like never before. It is time for Christians to be on our knees praying for revival and a new awakening ‘while it is yet day’ in America.

Here’s a good article on this same issue by Charisma’s Stephen Strang:  “Witches Hex Trump, Kavanaugh but Can’t Defeat Holy Spirit’s Power

-Revival on Military Base in Missouri?


(Image source: Facebook/Jose M. Rondon)

According to reports, there is an on-going revival happening on a military base in Missouri. From Faithwire:

A US army chaplain has described what he believes to be somewhat of a “revival” occurring on a military base in Missouri. The number are staggering: over the past six months, nearly 2,000 troops have reportedly come to the Lord.  …

Among the scores of soldiers coming to Christ, there are multiple testimonies of lives transformed and hearts turned to Christ.

        <Read the whole article>

Response: Keep praying that this will continue and that government authorities will not be pressured by atheist organizations to shut it down or curtail it in some way.

-The World Turns Toward Jerusalem


Last week the whole world turned towards Jerusalem. Some in praise and hope, others in condemnation. The opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem along with the 70 year celebration of the modern founding of Israel had ‘end-time’ prophecy buffs in overload. It also left Muslim leaders perplexed and angry.

Here’s an interesting article on this topic I found in the Charisma News:  “5 Reasons Last Week Was Incredibly Prophetic for Israel” by Asher Intrater

The conclusion of the article was particularly poignant:

These events represent a tectonic-plate shift in the spiritual realm. I believe we are crossing into a new period of prophetic fulfillment, whereby Jerusalem becomes both the center of international conflict (Zechariah 12:3clip_image002), and at the same time there is the beginning of a new outpouring of the spirit of grace and supplication (Zechariah 12:10clip_image002[1]).

As all these events take place, let’s make sure we repent and turn our hearts anew to the Lord; so that on an individual level, we ourselves will be submitted to God’s perfect will and aligned to His righteous order.

-National Day of Prayer 2018

Today is the National Day of Prayer. Every day is a good time to pray for our nation particularly today. Join thousands across America in prayer for our nation and people, Unity is the theme for this year. Something we really need right now. Here’s a link to the National Day of Prayer website.


Our Dear Heavenly Father, while we come to You in complete humility, we also come to You with boldness in the authoritative name of Your One and Only Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. In Jesus’ name, fill us now with Your Holy Spirit and lead us as we pray in Jesus’ name for America.

Oh God, we are burdened for our nation today. We turn from the sins that we have committed against your Word and your Name. We turn away from our contentious words and ways toward one another that has led us to division and polarization. We turn away from our disrespect and lack of dignity toward each other, and we turn away from our continual devaluation of all human life from the womb until death in this world. We also turn away from and refuse to participate in skepticism, criticism, and cynicism in our nation. We turn away from anything that divides us, and we run toward the gospel of Jesus Christ that is the only thing that has the power to unite us together.

Lord, in this critical hour in our nation, we pray for unity in America. Only You can bring unity, harmony, and oneness in America. As your Word calls us in Ephesians 4:3clip_image002, “Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace”, we ask You to empower us to make every effort to live in unity, to call for unity, and to forward unity in America continually.

We pray for the churches in America to unify in Jesus Christ and to pray as one unified spiritual family for America. May Your Church pray for America passionately, perpetually, privately, and publicly.

We pray for God’s power to unify families, workplaces, communities, and cities in America. By Your Spirit, lead us to forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, and unity.

We pray for people of all ethnicities and races in America to come together as one, living in peace and unity together. Oh Lord, because each of us is created in Your image, please give us the courage to stand against all racial and ethnic division, denouncing it as evil and sinful, while simultaneously coming together in unity with all persons knowing this is God’s will for us.

We pray in unity for the security of our nation. We ask You to preserve the United States of America from the forces of evil that are threatening our lives and our future. God, please guard all persons in public and private settings from anyone or anything that desires to harm us or take our lives. Our future is in Your hands.

We agree clearly, unite visibly, and pray extraordinarily for the next Great Spiritual Awakening in America. Oh Lord, wake up Your church spiritually and convict Your people to agree clearly, unite visibly, and pray extraordinarily until the next Great Spiritual Awakening occurs in our generation.

Oh God, we stand together upon Your words in Psalm 133:1clip_image002[1], “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony.” Through Jesus’ name and by the Holy Spirit’s power, we pray for all Americans to unify and to live together in unity.

In the mighty and majestic name of Jesus Christ who is the Only Savior and the Only Hope in this world, we pray. Amen.

Dr. Ronnie Floyd

President, National Day of Prayer Task Force
Senior Pastor, Cross Church

-Revival Reports: 5 Churches


Here are reports of five very different American churches where revival is ongoing or has recently happened. From Charisma News:

“5 Revivals Breaking Out Across America in This Hour

We have already posted on most of these but it gives us hope to see them all on the same page. Now if more churches around America can get on the same page with the Holy Spirit maybe we will see this list expanded before the year is over. I would like to see it spread like popcorn popping.

Notice that all of these are scattered around in different places. Not only that but across different denominational streams and affiliations.               

-The American Church Needs to be Resurrected


Yesterday we celebrated the Resurrection of  our Lord Jesus Christ. Today I submit that the entire American church needs to be resurrected.

Some church leaders are looking for a new awakening and others are calling for a new reformation—that too. But the  American Church that was so popular a ‘Palm’ generation ago is now being assailed in this culture and some are demanding its submission and ‘crucifixion’ while others are saying that it is already over for the church as we to knew it.

Meanwhile, many mainline church leaders are caving in and turning in the ‘unpopular’ parts of their Bibles to maintain ‘cultural relevance’ and respectability. Other conservative Christian voices are claiming that this culture is only going to get worse and the only thing left for the church is to be  ‘raptured.’

I believe that ‘a New Day’ is about to dawn upon the America church. Some will call it revival, others a new reformation, but the new move of God will resurrect the American Church and it will rise up and fulfill its calling and destiny while there is yet day.

I posted the following last year at the beginning of the new Biblical  (Jewish) year. I believe that it is still poignant and for today:

(Posted on September 30, 2017)

It is a new day and a new Biblical year and we are still looking forward to revival. But sometimes there is stuff that must come first or may come along with it that we would rather avoid. But the word ‘Revival’ only brings to our minds the ‘good stuff’ and all of the ‘not so good’ that came along with former moves of God is usually forgotten or disregarded. 

500 years ago on October 31, 1517 Martin Luther tacked 95 theses to a door in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther wanted to bring revival and reform to the church but schism came instead and a few years later he was excommunicated and then the wars followed for several hundred years. But the church was reformed and change came to all of the church regardless. One wonders if he would have proceeded differently if he had known all the stuff that was going to follow.

One thing for sure, the Reformation was a Move of God. More than anything else the most important result was access to the Bible and real knowledge of the written Word of God- the Logos. Before 1517 The Word was only available to the Priests, Monks, and scholars and very little of it was allowed to ever trickle on down to the regular folks. Not only that but ‘worship’ services were in Latin which only the educated could understand.

Coming out of the Reformation, services started being conducted in the vernacular and an exposition and teaching of the Scriptures became an important part of worship. Later the Bible was translated into the languages of the people and with the invention of the printing press it became available for regular folks. The church was changed by the Logos of God.

Most of us in Charismatic and Pentecostal churches look back on Azusa Street in 1906 as the beginning of another Move of God that changed the church. This time it was the Rhema Word of God that was restored along with all of the Spiritual gifts. A good historical case can be made that the ‘gifts’ never really departed entirely from the church but few regular folks in the church had the opportunity to experience them.

Now we are at a new crossroad where a significant part of the church is questioning whether the Bible is still even relevant and whether certain plain teachings in the Word should be disregarded or ignored. Ironically it is the old ‘Reformation’ mainline churches that are in the midst of rejecting their own foundations which were rooted in ’solo scriptura.’

The point is, major change and a new move of God including some kind of new ‘reformation’ is ahead for the church and we can expect that the revival we are hoping for may be far different than our romanticized expectations. Fact is, the church is always ‘looking forward’ to the past revivals and is never fully prepared to receive the new one.

To demonstrate what I am talking about let’s take a look at Acts. Before all of the good stuff in Acts 2 we find in chapter 1 that all the church devoted themselves to prayer. Since Pentecost came 50 days after the Passover they could have been praying solid for at least a month or so. Not only that, but for only this one time in history the entire church and everyone in it was actually prepared to receive a move from God.

Now for the scary part that may be relevant for us now or in the very least for the church some time in the future. We all like the ‘good stuff’ in Peter’s quote of Joel 2:

17 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares,that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,and your young men shall see visions,and your old men shall dream dreams;

18 even on my male servants and female servants
in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy. …

21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’

Here’s the part of Acts 2 / Joel 2 we would rather ignore. The verses between 18 and 21 (19 & 20):

19 And I will show wonders in the heavens above
and signs on the earth below,
blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke;

20 the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.

In light of all of the major disasters lately, these verses might be far more relevant to a coming revival than we want to admit. Also, a falling away and major persecution might well come along with it.

It is time for the church to pray. It is always time for us to pray but especially now.              

-South Korea: One of the Largest Exporters of The Gospel


South Korea has been the host and the exporter the 2018 Winter Olympics for the last two weeks. What many American and Western Christians do not realize, besides electronics and automobiles, South Korea is also one of the largest exporters of the Gospel with 27,436 Korean Christian missionaries serving in 170 countries. Some in places where Americans cannot legally go.

Also, at least 25% of the population in this Asian nation are Christians and even a greater percentage in the capital city of Seoul. From CBN News:

Today, Seoul, the capital of South Korea, has more megachurches than any other city in the world. In fact, six of the ten largest churches in the world are in South Korea.

In 2012, official government statistics put the number of Protestant churches at 77,000, more than three times the number of convenience stores in the country at that time.

The 1907 revival also gave birth to a powerful prayer and repentance movement that is still being felt to this day in the country.

<Read the whole article>

Christianity received its biggest initial boost in Korea from one of the greatest revivals ever in 1907 in the city of Pyongyang which is now the capitol of North Korea. A prayer and repentance movement started with the revival still continues today with thousands of South Koreans going to church for early morning worship and prayer before going to work.

Unfortunately in Pyongyang today and in all of North Korea Christianity is outlawed. Nevertheless, The church continues underground in the North and missionaries from the Chinese Christian community and from South Korea continue to sneak their way into the North through China.

In contrast with all of the pageantry and the celebration of the media over the North Korean athletes joining with those from the South is the reality of Christians being killed, jailed, and tortured for their faith nearly every day in the North. In fact, North Korea heads nearly everyone’s list as the worst abuser of civil rights and religious freedom.  Regardless, unification continues to be in the hearts. dreams, and hopes of all Koreans in both the South and among their literal relatives in the North.